Find Balance with Coaching by Elspeth
Moving Forward

Learn More About Me
Trusted Coaching Professional
As a consultant anaesthetist & qualified coach I have supported NHS staff for many years. As both College Tutor & Training Programme Director I have lots of experience helping doctors & others with a variety of issues.
I understand the difficulties in balancing a career with family when you are pulled in different directions. Accepting being good enough when neither can have 100% of your time & energy.
Would you benefit from some time to concentrate on your needs? Coaching allows you to consider all your options & decide the next step you will take to achieve your goals.
Let me help you learn and develop better ways to handle the issues that are standing in the way.
I will provide confidential support to enable the progress you want to see. I will listen & encourage you through the process, challenging the things that are holding you back.
Get in touch today to see what we can change by working together- coachingbyelspeth@yahoo.com
*Our first session will be a no obligation introductory video call. All meetings on Microsoft Teams or zoom at a mutually convenient time.
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Martin Luther King Jr
You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

I first started coaching sessions with Elspeth to help me in my professional role. Soon after we started coaching I found myself facing significant life challenges. Elspeth did not hesitate to support me through these changes. They were causing me to experience extreme feelings of anxiety, a feeling I have never experienced before so I was poorly equipped to manage them. Elspeth listens very intently & understands & acknowledges the feelings leaving you feeling well understood & at ease. I felt safe. I trusted Elspeth & she was warm & compassionate in her approach. She gave me the tools to manage the anxiety & helped me to self-guide my way of thinking about some of the changes I faced. This strengthened me & started to empower me at a time when I felt very lost. I felt like we were working in partnership to get me back into a position where I could be more like my usual self & prepared for the changes. As a result I did overcome these challenges & I have made the changes I wanted to make but felt I couldn’t. I am still using the tools now. I am very grateful that Elspeth came into my life at a time when I needed her expertise, warmth & understanding. I would recommend Elspeth as a life coach to anyone who has lost their way or needs support with what life is throwing your way,
Deputy General Manager
Working with Elspeth has been an absolute pleasure & I have greatly valued our sessions together. I have been so grateful for the opportunity for 1:1 dedicated, personal time to reflect & plan ways forward. I have felt really supported- enough on its own - but have also had my eyes opened to my own knowledge & power. Elspeth is a calm & positive presence. Being with her is grounding amid the chaos of ideas & tasks in a new business. Together we brought order, clarity & strategy to the path ahead. She has been able to point out & celebrate my successes as well as challenging my thinking when needed. She has handled a wide variety of topics with skill & equanimity, from strategic business planning to the emotional challenges that can hold us back. She was able to roll with it all. I’m sure her clients will have a real fondness & appreciation of her kind & genuine demeanour as I do. I am very grateful to have been lucky enough to have these sessions at a turning point in my own career.
Dr Nina Wilson, CEO One Woman Health
I can highly recommend Elspeth as a coach. I was quite lost when I first saw her & she brilliantly got me to work out where I wanted to go & how I would do that. She didn’t suggest solutions but she guided me & helped me to problem solve myself, which is more powerful & means I can engage easily with plans I’ve made myself. She is empathetic & compassionate & most of all she is kind & uses positive reinforcement with excellent effect. She is highly intelligent, personable & gentle. She has helped me build my confidence & improve my self esteem. I would recommend her to anyone who needs compassionate & effective coaching.
Dr JW, Consultant
I have really enjoyed our coaching conversations. I have found the coaching to be helpful & it has enabled me to reflect & take time for myself. Elspeth is a great listener & made me feel comfortable from the beginning. I was able to be honest & open & trusted Elspeth very quickly. I have been able to put into action learning & insight gained during our conversation. Thank you Elspeth for helping me develop & reflect.
Head of Nursing
Elspeth is a great coach for medics. She brings both the wisdom of the peculiarities of the medical profession & also the warmth of her coaching style. In our coaching sessions I experienced Elspeth as a warm maternal person wanting to coach/nurture me & it’s been a healing experience for me as I begin my next phase. I would highly recommend Elspeth.